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Stop, Drop, and Roll: What to do if your clothing catches fire

Updated: Mar 25

Clothing fires can be frightening and dangerous situations, but knowing how to respond promptly can make all the difference. Whether it's a small spark or a major blaze, here's a brief guide on how to extinguish clothing fires safely.

  1. Stop, Drop, and Roll: The first and most crucial step when you or someone else's clothing catches fire is to stop, drop, and roll. This classic technique helps smother the flames by depriving them of oxygen. Encourage the person on fire to remain calm and follow this procedure immediately.

  2. Cover with a Heavy Fabric: If stopping, dropping, and rolling isn't sufficient to put out the flames, try to cover the person with a heavy fabric such as a blanket, coat, or rug. This action helps to smother the fire further and can prevent it from spreading.

  3. Use a Fire Extinguisher: If a fire extinguisher is nearby and you're trained to use it, aim the extinguisher nozzle at the base of the flames and squeeze the handle. Sweep the extinguisher from side to side until the fire is completely out. Remember, it's essential to use the correct type of fire extinguisher for the fire (Class A for ordinary combustibles like clothing).

  4. Cool with Water: If the fire is small and manageable, douse the flames with water. It's crucial to use water only if it's safe to do so, as water can spread certain types of fires (such as grease fires). If it's a grease fire involving clothing, do not use water as it can cause the fire to flare up. Instead, use a fire extinguisher or cover the flames with a metal lid.

  5. Remove Burning Clothing: If possible, carefully remove any burning clothing. However, it's essential to be cautious when doing so to prevent spreading the fire or causing further injury. If the clothing is stuck to the skin, do not attempt to remove it. Instead, smother the flames and seek medical attention immediately.

  6. Call Emergency Services: Regardless of the size of the fire or whether you've managed to extinguish it, it's crucial to call emergency services (such as 911) immediately. Even small fires can cause significant damage or injury, and professional assistance may be required.

  7. Prevent Future Incidents: After dealing with a clothing fire, take steps to prevent similar incidents in the future. Avoid wearing loose-fitting clothing near open flames or heat sources, and be mindful when cooking or working with flammable materials. Additionally, ensure that smoke alarms are installed and properly maintained in your home or workplace.



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