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Our Story

Hello. Allow me to introduce myself. I'm Matthew Gulley, the founder of Flamethrow.


I'm deeply passionate about three things: 'helping people succeed', 'being there' for others and giving back to make a positive impact. 


These values are rooted in three fundamental beliefs:


  1. Family is Everything.

  2. Anything is possible.

  3. Giving Back Is A Gift!


It all began in 2010 when my family experienced a fire in our home. Other than smoke inhalation,  we fortunately all emerged mostly unharmed. Despite the relatively minor aftermath, what bothered me wasn't the clean up or what we lost, but rather the lingering question: why us?


Even though it's now over 10 years on, even the subtle hint of burning plastic brings back vividly the moment we walked into our house one Sunday morning to find the washing machine had caught fire.


However, it wasn't until 2013, during a GCSE cooking lesson, that something clicked for me. As I stood beside a classmate whose pan suddenly ignited, the one thing that I will never forget, was the sudden rush of heat that hit me from side on. In the panic, no one was able to locate the fire blanket, so the pan was carried outside and hosed off, extinguishing the flames.

Thankfully, everyone emerged unscathed. The experience stays etched in my memory for a number of reasons, but none more so than how fast the fire developed. One second it wasn't there, the next it was over four feet high!


When we finally located the fire blanket, it was almost ten metres away and partially obscured by a cupboard and critically, would have cost precious seconds to retrieve.

Surely, there had to be a better way!​ This realization propelled me to develop the Flamethrow XR Pro 1.


In her book The Heat of the Moment: Life and Death Decision-Making From a Firefighter, Dr. Sabrina Cohen-Hatton eloquently captures the essence of our mission: "those extra seconds, seconds that could be the difference between life and death."


In fire emergencies, every second counts. That's why I've embarked on a mission to mitigate injuries and fatalities resulting from accidental fires. It's worth noting that cooking appliances are the leading cause of accidental fires. To address this, I've designed a patented cooking apron equipped with integrated oven gloves, doubling as a quick-release, accessible, and efficient fire blanket to ensure people's safety.


That's our story, and it's only the beginning.

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